Thursday, January 25, 2018

Navigating the Class Blog

     Welcome to second semester.  Because we are in person most days each week, we do not need to rely too heavily on the class blog.  However, it is a good resource for accessing each other's blogs and for the examples I post to it.  You should set up your blog so that it includes a link to the class blog and also so you get notifications to your e-mail when I add a post. 
      As of right now, there are examples posted for each of the types of posts you need to complete over the course of each week.  There is also an example posted of the "plan" that is due next week. Please model your initial week of blog posts on these until you become more comfortable going off on your own.

Reading and Vocabulary Blog Example

Below is an example of a reading/vocabulary blog.
Notice the number of pages and vocab words! 😉

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Reading/Vocabulary Blog #4

World Gone By By: Dennis Lehane
pages 1-151
Image result for Scabbards
source: Google Images
  1. Wickets- an opening like a window;  especially  a grilled or grated window through which business is transacted (Pg.10)
  2. salacious- lecherous, lustful (Pg.16)
  3. Disbarred- to expel from the bar or the legal profession deprive (an attorney) of legal status and privileges (Pg.25)
  4. Consigliere- counselor, adviser (Pg.28)
  5.  Yokel- a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town (Pg.31)
  6. Revue- a theatrical production consisting typically of brief loosely connected often satirical skits, songs, and dances (Pg.35)
  7. Troubadours- a singer especially of folk songs (Pg.38)
  8. Pious- marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship (Pg.41)
  9. Scabbards- a sheath for a sword, dagger, or bayonet (Pg.44)
  10. Impregnable- incapable of being taken by assault unconquerable (Pg.48)
  11. Parochial- of or relating to a church parish (Pg.50)
  12. Gauche- lacking social experience or grace;  also  not tactful crude  (Pg.59)
  13. Imperious- befitting or characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments commanding, dominant (Pg.74)
  14. Fetid- having a heavy offensive smell (Pg.76)
  15. Lug- to introduce in a forced manner (Pg.77)
  16. Middling- mediocre, second-rate (Pg.88)
  17. Bougainvillea- a tropical plant that has usually red or purple flowers (Pg.89)
  18. Image result for Bougainvillea
    source: Google ImagesBougainvillea
  19. Banal- lacking originality, freshness, or novelty trite (Pg.91)      
  20. Unassailable- not assailable not liable to doubt, attack, or question (Pg.101)
  21. Piazza- an open square especially in an Italian town (Pg.104)
  22. Integral- essential to completeness constituent  (Pg.106)
  23. Shyster- a person who is professionally unscrupulous especially in the practice of law or politics pettifogger (Pg.107)
  24. Aggrieved- troubled or distressed in spirit (Pg.117)
  25. Chinks- used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a person of Chinese birth or descent (Pg.118)
  26. Ceded- to yield or grant typically by treaty  (Pg.119)
  27. Aghast- struck with terror, amazement, or horror shocked and upset (Pg.121)
  28. Quandary- a state of perplexity or doubt (Pg.124)
  29. Moke- slang, British  donkey (Pg.134)
  30. Impunity- exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss (Pg.135)
  31. strafe- to rake (ground troops, an airfield, etc.) with fire at close range and especially with machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft (Pg.138)
  32. Harelip- cleft lip (Pg.140)
  33. Guayabera- a usually short-sleeved lightweight sport shirt designed to be worn untucked (Pg.141)