Thursday, January 25, 2018

Reading and Vocabulary Blog Example

Below is an example of a reading/vocabulary blog.
Notice the number of pages and vocab words! 😉

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Reading/Vocabulary Blog #4

World Gone By By: Dennis Lehane
pages 1-151
Image result for Scabbards
source: Google Images
  1. Wickets- an opening like a window;  especially  a grilled or grated window through which business is transacted (Pg.10)
  2. salacious- lecherous, lustful (Pg.16)
  3. Disbarred- to expel from the bar or the legal profession deprive (an attorney) of legal status and privileges (Pg.25)
  4. Consigliere- counselor, adviser (Pg.28)
  5.  Yokel- a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town (Pg.31)
  6. Revue- a theatrical production consisting typically of brief loosely connected often satirical skits, songs, and dances (Pg.35)
  7. Troubadours- a singer especially of folk songs (Pg.38)
  8. Pious- marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship (Pg.41)
  9. Scabbards- a sheath for a sword, dagger, or bayonet (Pg.44)
  10. Impregnable- incapable of being taken by assault unconquerable (Pg.48)
  11. Parochial- of or relating to a church parish (Pg.50)
  12. Gauche- lacking social experience or grace;  also  not tactful crude  (Pg.59)
  13. Imperious- befitting or characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments commanding, dominant (Pg.74)
  14. Fetid- having a heavy offensive smell (Pg.76)
  15. Lug- to introduce in a forced manner (Pg.77)
  16. Middling- mediocre, second-rate (Pg.88)
  17. Bougainvillea- a tropical plant that has usually red or purple flowers (Pg.89)
  18. Image result for Bougainvillea
    source: Google ImagesBougainvillea
  19. Banal- lacking originality, freshness, or novelty trite (Pg.91)      
  20. Unassailable- not assailable not liable to doubt, attack, or question (Pg.101)
  21. Piazza- an open square especially in an Italian town (Pg.104)
  22. Integral- essential to completeness constituent  (Pg.106)
  23. Shyster- a person who is professionally unscrupulous especially in the practice of law or politics pettifogger (Pg.107)
  24. Aggrieved- troubled or distressed in spirit (Pg.117)
  25. Chinks- used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a person of Chinese birth or descent (Pg.118)
  26. Ceded- to yield or grant typically by treaty  (Pg.119)
  27. Aghast- struck with terror, amazement, or horror shocked and upset (Pg.121)
  28. Quandary- a state of perplexity or doubt (Pg.124)
  29. Moke- slang, British  donkey (Pg.134)
  30. Impunity- exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss (Pg.135)
  31. strafe- to rake (ground troops, an airfield, etc.) with fire at close range and especially with machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft (Pg.138)
  32. Harelip- cleft lip (Pg.140)
  33. Guayabera- a usually short-sleeved lightweight sport shirt designed to be worn untucked (Pg.141)   

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